Once again, we had the pleasure of seeing many Norwegians in the Cellar. They are always god company, with a lot of humor and god spirit.
The participants came from Kristiansand, Stavanger and Sarpsborg, and all, but one, had survived the voyage over the sea!
Our treasurer was very happy, having counted the money in the “cashbox” after the sale of our “pin”.
Our Gala diner, consisting of red sausages, beer and potato juice, was enjoyed with great pleasure.
After the diner, some twenty descendants from “Churchill Gruppen”, the first Danish resistance group, arrived.
They stayed for a few moments, the Chief Bencher briefly told the story about the young boys, who had the same status in Denmark, as Max Manus had in Norway.
Before we ended, our “Twoman band” played, and we had a “singalong” together.
Again, a nice and cheerful, inaguration in the Cellar
Initiation of students from the military police attending the Unmilpoc course at Aalborg barracks.
On April 26th twenty-eight students from the course were admitted as new members of the Guild. They represented fourteen different nationalities, such as Finland, Ukraine, Canada etc.
As usual with Unmilpoc it was a nice initiation, where students as well as their instructors had a couple of good hours together, with red sausages, potato juice and beer.
Before the party entered Duus’s Winecellar, they had been welcomed by the municipality at the Town Hall just opposite the winecellar.
Photo: Private
The Chief Bencher welcomed all the members, and guests. The Chief Bencher started by remembering Per Iversen and Per Svensson, both with over twenty years of service at the Board, both had died since the last Assembly.
In 2022 we have inaugurated 338 persons from eighteen countries, amongst them 224 Danes, 53 Norwegians two had from Ukraine and one from Argentina.
During the 4th of July festivities the new American ambassador Alan Leventhal and his wife Sherry was inaugurated.
Later in the year members of the Crew from the Danish frigate Absalon was taken up as new members, just before the ship rushed to the Baltic sea.
We have had two inaugurations with our friends fra UNMILPOC, (military police)
Philip Holst Nielsen, who had saved a man from drowning got “a pat on the shoulder".
Soldier of the Year was private first Class Jonas Høvring Skov
Eight persons got the “good spirit price”. The price is every year awarded to young students from gymnasiums located in Aalborg, Aalborg Business School, and Tec College.
The initiative Price went to Martin Bossen, Safe House
The Aalborg Price went to Lise Hansen, Café Parasollen
The Honorary Award went to Sonja Christensen, Raise for Kids
The Christian the Fourth Foundation has got a new member, Professor Michael Slavensky Dahl. Our former Chairman Kaj Kjær, had after 25 years of service wanted to retire.
The Foundation had payed out 90.000 good purposes in 2022.
After the General Assembly ended, we inaugurated 10 new members.
See the photos here
Photo: Private
On Saturday 11th of February we had a real nice ina
uguration of 17 persons, coming from a local firm and from Aalborg guide association.
In spite of, that we started early at 09.30, everyone was bright and awake, even the Benchers!
It was the first inauguration in 2023. The last was on October 20th so we wondered if we were a little “rusty”, but everything went fine, except from minor details.
Even the “City Walk” went fine, and our tree was duly watered with beer. (Having been without almost three months!)
The inauguration ended with a little “sing along” led by our two troubadours.
See the pictures here
Photo: Private
Der afholdes ordinær Laugsforsamling, jævnfør Laugsskråens artikel 7,
tirsdag, den 28. februar 2023, kl. 19.00 
i Duus Vinkjælder, Østerågade, Aalborg.
Dagsorden ifølge Laugsskråen. Eventuelle punkter til dagsorden skal være Laugsstyrelsen skriftligt i hænde senest 21. februar 2023.
Medlemmer som har betalt ”livsvarigt medlemskab” eller årskontingent for 2023 er stemmeberettigede.
Bordbestilling afgives til Laugskældermester Ole Bech Kristensen, tlf.: 3029 0591
Optagelse af enkeltpersoner i Lauget kan ske i begrænset omfang denne aften, pris 350 kr. ligeledes ved henvendelse til Ole Bech Kristensen.