
IMG 5760On a lovely Saturday morning, a Danish/Norwegian family of 16 people was inducted into the guild. It was a joyful induction, filled with both Norwegian and Danish voices, depending on which family members were speaking. The Norwegian participants primarily came from the area around Kristiansand, while the Danish speakers were from the Aalborg region. Naturally, they were all informed about whom they were now becoming sisters and brothers with in the Guild, including our former Majesty, Queen Margrethe, and our current Majesty, King Frederik X. The guild master also mentioned that many Norwegians were already members of the Guild.

The guild master recalled that the first induction outside Aalborg took place in Kristiansand in 1988, in the cellar of Christiansands Bryghus, and that the Guild had since visited Kristiansand numerous times.

All participants had submitted an application for membership, with one person even submitting two—perhaps to be absolutely sure of their acceptance. The guild master read aloud the membership rules from the Guild Charter, and all applicants took note of them and accepted their induction.IMG 5756

After the traditional tour, including a visit to the Guild Tree, the induction was, as usual, celebrated in high spirits with the Guild’s gala dinner, delightful music, singing, and lively conversation. One story, in particular, about a young northern Norwegian priest struggling to keep his congregation awake during his sermon, caused great amusement.

The Danish schnapps/spirits were given due attention, reverently consumed under the guidance of the head table—and, not least, practically sung down.

The Guild’s two troubadours entertained with excellent music and cheerful songs, which only added to the already lively atmosphere.