

The inauguration was witnessed by several hundred citizens, including Mayor Per Bach Laursen, the director of "the real Rundetårn in Copenhagen," Jeanette Bursche, and the head of communication, Rasmus Agertoft.

2024 05 14 Indvielse af Rundetrn i Lgstr 14 5 2024 193The Rundetårn in Løgstør was established in honor of the relatively unknown Løgstør native, Peder Nielsen Horrebow. Born into a poor fishing family in Løgstør, Horrebow later became an astronomer and eventually the director of Rundetårn in Copenhagen.

The idea to honor Peder Nielsen Horrebow by constructing another Rundetårn was proposed by Jens Aa. V. Schultz, now a local resident in the Løgstør area. Schultz, with his past as Prior of the Aalborg Monastery and a member of the board of Christian IV's Guild, was aware of the Guild's possession of a royal costume of Christian IV, originally sewn at the Royal Theater’s tailor shop for the opera singer Ove Verner Hansen.

Thus, Jens commissioned a replica of Christian IV to participate in the inauguration of the new Rundetårn (the Jutland version).

As a result, Christian IV could participate alongside the brothers of Christian IV's Guild, contributing to a historical retrospective. Christian IV assisted the director of the Rundetårn (the one in Copenhagen), Jeanette Bursche, as she cut the red ribbon marking the inauguration of the new Rundetårn, which is an exact 1:10 scale replica.

The area where the tower stands will soon be transformed into a park, situated between the town and the fjord, where the Rundetårn is expected to attract visitors to the town. Additionally, the Rundetårn is anticipated to be beneficial for other events.

The tower was inaugurated on Peder Nielsen Horrebow’s 345th birthday.

The new Rundetårn was built by bricklayer Peter Høvring, a native of Løgstør.

Thus, Christian IV's Guild, with King Christian IV at the forefront, clearly contributed to giving the inauguration a historical touch and made the day a bit brighter.

 See the pictures here

Photo: Private